Greeting from Myanmar
(Auspiciousness to you all) from Myanmar.
Myanmar located between latitudes 09˙32'
N and 28˙31' N, longitude 92˙10' E and 101˙11' E. Bordering Bangladesh, India, China, Laos and Thailand
from the West to the East. You will be able to enjoy the great
diversity of cultures, indigenous national races and the natural beauty of the
country while on your visit to our country. Myanmar has peace and safety and it
has opened up opportunities for exciting tour arrangements. We have a lot of experience
to provide you good memories for your trips. We, therefore invite you with
wide-open arms to join hands with us and experience exciting tours to our
exotic country that are guaranteed to you. Now is the best time to start for
traveling to Myanmar.
Yours truly,
Bo Bo
The great and safe service and hospitality with Kyaw Bo Bo Han travel & tour digitized into "Travel to Burma/Myanmar" :) Many many more with big thanks & the best & great DMC in Myanmar